Hi! I'm Jody, a writer and graphic designer living in the Bay Area of California. I majored in Journalism in college, and then went on to study graphic design and become a freelancer. Recent innovations in digital creative tools and social media have accelerated my creative output and entrepreneurial spirit. Most recently with this website, as well as my YouTube Channel, @jodyrightnow.
In addition to my creative endeavors, I am a disability advocate and volunteer. As a community leader I serve on two non-profit boards. When I'm not being creative or volunteering my time, I enjoy spending time with my husband Andrew, doting on our golden retriever fur-son, Alton, caring for our home and watching re-runs of 90’s comedy television.
About My Disability
You’ve probably noticed that I look a little different. You might be curious. You might even have some questions. That’s okay, questions are welcome! I believe that celebrating our diversity and sharing about what makes us different makes the world a better place.
I was born with a rare neuromuscular condition called a Congenital Trilaminar Myopathy. This one-of-a-kind condition caused me to develop severe scoliosis and other orthopedic problems that required surgeries when I was growing up. I've always been short for my age, and as an adult I stand 4' tall.
I do not define disability as limiting, or inspirational, or something to be "overcome." Instead, I challenge cultural stereotypes about disability as being “less than,” “tragic,” “broken” or “abnormal.” I believe disability is a natural part of human diversity and I embrace every aspect of my life with gratitude and grace. I am incredibly proud to be a part of the disabled community. I believe that we need to be unapologetically proud of our lives-- our DISABLED lives-- if we are to continue to demand full and equal access and participation in all areas of daily life and society.
I Believe That
Love is Love
Black Lives Matter
Disabled Rights are Civil Rights
Women’s Rights are Human Rights
Science is Real
No Person is Illegal
Kindness is Everything