It's Not About Luck: My Real-Life Stories of Serendipity
Today is St. Patrick’s Day here in the United States. I’ve always been conflicted about the holiday. I think my hesitation to fully embrace a celebratory attitude stems from one of a couple of reasons. Either: a) my aversion to a holiday that legitimizes drunkenness or b) that the holiday mascot is a leprechaun— a cute, jolly little short dude who is an appropriating stereotype and caricature for a Little Person (who are actually real people, by the way).
Sometimes It's About Just Showing Up When You Don’t Want To
Sometimes, you just have to get up and show up. Even when it’s early, and every fiber of your being wants to stay in bed. Even when you wish for a magic wand to freeze the spinning world and let you rest just a little longer. That’s exactly how I felt at 8 a.m. this past Saturday. A few weeks ago, in my role as organizer for a South Bay girls’ Meet-up group, I had scheduled a fun outing to the DeAnza Flea Market. At the time, it sounded like a fantastic idea.