

Welcome to my small corner of the internet where I share the latest headlines of my life. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you’ll come back soon! –– Jody

Managing My Mental Health During the Holidays

Managing My Mental Health During the Holidays

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Too early? I don't care. Well, maybe I care a little. I don't want to totally annoy Andrew with my pre-Thanksgiving Festivus. It's just poor Alton who has been subjected to holiday playlists during our daily walks. But hey, he can't talk AND I get the honor of picking up his dog poop. So I think he at least owes me that.

At any rate, why am I writing about this? Well, it wasn't what I had planned on writing about today, and since I think all three people are reading these blogs these days, I'm taking the opportunity to use this writing time as a minor therapeutic release.

I am feeling a little blue today. And unlike the song, Blue Christmas, it's not because I'm missing someone from afar. Instead, I'm feeling some pre-holiday overwhelm, some frustrating life stuff, Alton's tummy has been upset, blah blah blah.

Rather than surrender to that blah bah-humbug, after I finish this post (and take Alton on his second walk of the day), I will put on some Christmas music, organize my kitchen pantry, and start decorating the kitchen. Why? Because it will make me happy.

All too often, we underestimate how much pure and simple happiness can impact our mental health. I know it is unrealistic to aspire to be happy ALL THE TIME. And I do believe toxic positivity is a thing. That's not what I am talking about. What I am advocating for is, in times of stress or melancholy, leaning into things that bring a feeling of comfort and joy and not feeling guilty about it.

Even as I write this advice, I am aware it is from a privileged perspective. For some folks putting life on pause to regroup and do something that makes them happy just isn't possible. But I wish it was.

Sometimes even five minutes is three minutes too many.

As I get older, life lessons that I was fortunate enough to learn at a young age become more validated with each passing year. There is very little in the life we control. In fact, practically next to nothing. The things we think we can control are just an illusion, and the things we feel we actually do control don't really matter. Not in the grand scheme of things anyway.

All that is left, then, are fleeting moments of happiness. I have a sign that reads, "Do more of what makes you happy." It serves as a reminder to me when even I get caught up in all the endless loops of chores, errands, and external distractions. Prioritizing happiness in the mix serves my mental, physical and spiritual health in ways that aren't easily quantified but definitely appreciated.

Now, in which tote did I store my Christmas wreath?

My Top 5 Favorite Christmas Albums

My Top 5 Favorite Christmas Albums

Special Announcement: Opening my Own Etsy Shop!

Special Announcement: Opening my Own Etsy Shop!